Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A New Path

The past few months I have witnesses many changes in my life: a move from Seattle to Boise, being a first time homeowner, teaching a new yoga class, becoming a dog owner (Chloe Dot the Thunder Dog!), and getting engaged to be married, plus lots of travel and adjusting to Maya's new school schedule and Bill's new work schedule. Lot's happening! To say the least, I am a Householder like I never have been before.

I finally feel pretty settled into our new home (which I absolutely love, so that makes it kinda easy) and am ready to get back on track with writing and my personal practices. The practices have certainly taken a back seat during all of this transition. Though through it all I don't know if I've ever felt more connected to spirit or my personal strength. These are powerful times we are living in, full of impetuous and hope. It seems that almost as soon as an idea comes into my head I see it manifest in the world.

But I'm learning patience too, something, as those closest to me can attest to, I'm not always the best at. Is there something about being in the now that makes you want it all now? I have to remember that just because I can see it in my mind's eye doesn't mean that it's ready to awaken in the world. I have a quote over my dresser that reminds me that life needs to bloom at its own rate: Its a card I framed of a beautiful purple flower with the caption "Joy surprises the patient soul." Indeed it does.

Looking back at how much my life has transformed over the last year, its almost hard for me to believe how many seeds have come to fruition. I still have bigger dreams that are yet to manifest (like getting a paying job...)but I'm not worried because I'm taking active steps towards them. And that's what we're here to do: to dream, have clarity of vision, then be commited to climbing each rung of the ladder towards the goal. And one day you're there and the view is magnificent.

At the same time, I am trying to remain open to unforeseen twists and forks in the road. Often the events and circumstances in life can be even greater than you had hoped or imagined, but only if you're willing to let in the unexpected. This is where patience comes in, and a little bit of trust. And there's the paradox too: to be open yet focused, to have clarity while allowing for the mystery. Does this lead to the best possible life? I can't say so for certain, but I sure am pretty happy. I can feel settled with the knowledge that this new path that lies before me is of my own creation, and deep gratitude for the grace that has allowed me to experience it.

Where could you allow more of the unknown in your life? And where do you need more to put more concentrated effort?

Remember...Joy surprises the patient soul!

Toltec & Yogic Retreat in Teotihuacan, Mexico

Soar with the Angels - Merging Hearts with Spirit
With Lee McCormick, Dr. Sage Breslin
and Marisa Smith, MA

November 12- 17, 2009

There are 27 Continuing Education units offered for this journey, as approved by the NASW, NAADAC, and the BBS of California (MFT, LCSW)

It is almost 2010..two years from the 2012 Consciousness Shift. If you are awake and alive you are aware that life as we have known it is shifting and what we once took for granted as the way to do things is not working very well.

This is a great time in our history and our personal lives. This is the time to let go of trying to figure it all out or control life to whatever seems like success and allow the Light and the greater aspects of ourselves to create from our deepest integrity. All we need to make this transition is already within us.

Join us in November in Teotihuacan. Teo is one of the places of Consciousness on our planet that has held the frequency of the New Awareness and journeying there will only open you to an alignment with yourself and your Divinity.

The choice to be proactive is the choice to be free....We have made this trip as inexspensive as possible so take advantage, JUMP! DO IT NOW!

Dr. Sage Breslin, Psychologist and Intuitive Consultant, will enable you to address the obstacles that have presented in your life, express and release stored emotions, and embrace the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Under the gentle guidance of Marisa’s yoga teachings, you will learn to truly honor your body as the temple of your spirit and to adjust to your new-found energy.

The perspectives offered by these guides, as well as the vibrant energy of Teotihuacan, will enable you to let go of the beliefs and fears that have held you back from manifesting all that you can be. Come remember who and what you are.

Join us for the sweetest of experiences through the ancient powerful city of Teotihuacan where for 3,000 years humans gathered for healing practices and sacred ceremony.

This journey will free your mind, body and spirit, to clear, connect and commune in ways you have not yet been capable of. Your journey will be the greatest gift to yourself and those you love! Open your life to the grace and ease of the angels and come soar with us!

Accommodations provided by the beautiful Dreaming House.
Price of $795 double occupancy, $995 single, includes delicious meals and transportation to and from the airport.

Day trips to ancient sites including The Citadel and The Temple of Quetzalcoatl, The Avenue of the Dead, Pyramid of the Moon, Quetzalpapalotl Palace, Patio of the Jaguars and one of the world’s most magnificent sites, The Pyramid of the Sun. You will have the opportunity to see beautiful murals and carvings in the site’s two museums in which you can explore the city’s fascinating history.

Contact Gretchen at (615) 557-5245
or email information@spiritrecovery.com
Visit: www.thedreaminghousemx.com

* Trip cost includes double occupancy at the beautiful Dreaming House Retreat Center, all meals and transportation to and from Mexico City airport. Space is limited, prices based on double occupancy, airfare to Mexico City not included. Private upgrades available for an additional $200.
