Sunday, September 26, 2010

Light & Shadow: Exploring Personal & Cultural Transformation: On the road with Charles Shaw & Michael Garfield

A special night of engaging presentations & live music

Charles Shaw: "Charting the Spiritual and Political Awakening of the Evolutionary Subculture, and Giving Voice to the Lives of the Disenfranchised."

Charles Shaw will be discussing his book Exile Nation and related topics like the drug war, the prison system, and shamanic medicines, with a particular focus on the role of the Shadow in our own awakenings and healings, and its role in this Evolutionary Subculture as a whole.

In addition, Charles will also be taping interviews for the Unheard Voices Documentary Project, a video archive of interviews with prisoners, ex-offenders, family members, and relevant experts on the human consequences of our drug and criminal justice policies. Through stories of perseverance, hope and healing, Unheard Voices will showcases the cultural holocaust known as the War on Drugs.

Charles Shaw is the author of the critically-acclaimed, Exile Nation: Drugs, Prisons, Politics & Spirituality and Director of the Unheard Voices documentary project. His work has appeared in Alternet, Alternative Press Review, Conscious Choice, Common Ground, Grist, Guerrilla News Network, Huffington Post, In These Times, Newtopia, The New York Times, openDemocracy, Planetizen, Punk Planet, Reality Sandwich, San Diego Uptown News, Scoop, Shift, Truthout, The Witness, YES!, and Znet. In 2009 he was recognized by the San Diego Press Club for excellence in journalism.

Unheard Voices

Exile Nation

Michael Garfield: "Sketches of an Emerging Human Mythos: Evolution, Alchemy, Art, & Activism in an Age of Transition"

Drawing on sources from evolutionary theory to sacred geometry, from cosmology to jazz, Michael playfully deconstructs the boundaries between self and other, the one and the many to offer a rare perspective on the crisis and opportunity of our age – an emerging worldview aware of the vast patterns in which humanity is embedded, and how each of us is a crucial participant. 

Additionally, Michael will play his acoustic-electronic music as a performance of this emergent integrated paradigm – a dynamic concert in which science and art, left and right hemispheres, head and heart unite.

Trained in evolutionary ecology only to become a performance painter, essayist, and cyber-troubadour, integralist Michael Garfield is intent on demonstrating how everything is equally art, science, and spiritual practice. Writing extensively and expansively on the creative intersections of human inquiry and creativity, his combination of independent research and cohesive multimedia expression point the way toward an integrated exploration of time, life, and mind: his work straddles communities, ignoring battle lines drawn between transhumanism (H+ Magazine), integral philosophy (Integral Institute), technoshamanism (Reality Sandwich), popular culture (D/Visible Magazine, Colorado Music Board), and academia (University of Kansas, John F. Kennedy University).

Media & Press:
News & Networks:

Join us next Sunday, October 3rd 
for this incredible night of inspiration and spirit in action!

Location Change:
Hyde Park Mennonite Fellowship
1520 N. 12th Street 

$5 donation

See you there!
